How To Become An Author In 5 Simple Steps

How to Become an Author: A Simple Guide to Writing Success

how to become an author

Ever dreamed of your book hitting the bestseller list? You must have. And how about a book that people could not stop talking about—sounds appealing, right? Well, stick around because we’ve got the lowdown on turning your writing dreams into reality. We will cover the entire process of going from an idea to becoming a bestselling author. 

We know what appeals to a person to become an author is mostly the weaving of tales that transport readers to different worlds, evoke emotions, and maybe even change lives. Making an impression on people, word by word, for a long time. And who wouldn’t want it?

Let’s admit that all authors do. But there are so many questions that need a proper answer. So for all those hows, this blog includes the key questions and addresses the specific concerns and inquiries an individual has to become a successful author.

In this article, we've rounded up for you

How to become an author?

First things first, why do you want to be a wordsmith? Is it the thrill of storytelling, the joy of expressing yourself, or maybe just a burning desire to share your thoughts?  Knowing your “why” is like having a compass on this writing journey. It’ll guide you when the words get tough.

Let us debunk a common myth about how to become an author. Know that becoming a writer isn’t reserved for the chosen few wearing tweed jackets in fancy libraries.  Sure, it’s not a cakewalk, but it’s not scaling Mount Everest either. It’s about dedication, practice, and a sprinkle of resilience. So, ditch the myths, grab your metaphorical pen, and let’s get started on book writing. And for inspiration? It isn’t always waiting at your desk with a neon sign saying, “Write Here.” Sometimes, a morning coffee chat, a walk in the park, or even the hum of the city can inspire you for your next few lines, pages, or even a chapter.

Keep your senses open, and let the world be your muse. You’ll be surprised at where the next great idea might pop up. Education or passion—what is needed to become an author? Let’s explore:

Do You Need a Degree to Be an Author?

Here’s the scoop: while some authors take the college route, others carve their path.  Explore different educational avenues—creative writing classes, literature courses, or even online workshops. Find what suits your style because, in storytelling, the journey matters more than the degree.

And here’s a secret: not every celebrated author walked across a graduation stage with a cap and gown. Some of the literary greats didn’t follow the traditional academic road. J.K. Rowling, anyone? The lesson here is that success isn’t stamped with a diploma; it’s etched with passion, dedication, and a love for words.

So, whether you’re a college graduate or a self-made wordsmith, remember that your journey as an author is uniquely yours. Embrace the education that fuels your passion. Dive into new genres, explore different writing styles, and be a perpetual student of the craft. The more you learn, the richer your storytelling palette becomes. 

Note that writing is a muscle; like any muscle, it needs a workout. Hone your craft through practice. Set aside time to write regularly. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece every time, just flexing those creative muscles. Keep your words flowing, whether it’s a short story, a journal entry, or even a quirky poem about your cat.

One of the strategies to hone your skill the best possible way is to have constructive criticism—it will change the game.  Send your writings to writing partners, communities across the internet realm, or trusted pen pals. The goal of constructive criticism is to support your growth rather than undermine it. Accept it, grow from it, and see how your writing improves through it.

Also, you can join the writing community; it will be like having a large group of supporters for your writing. Attend writing groups, engage in online forums, and connect with fellow wordsmiths. The support, encouragement, and shared experiences will polish and groom your writing skills more quickly and efficiently.

Let’s now see what do you need to become an author, 

  • A lot of written material.
  • Writing tools 
  • Time management.

Every author needs their own special nook, right? Find or create a space that inspires your creativity. It could be a cozy corner in your room, a cafe with the perfect vibe, or a blanket fort in your living room. Your writing space should be your haven, where ideas flow and words dance.

Talking about the tools of the trade you need. You don’t need a quill and parchment, but having the right tools makes the journey smoother.  

  • A trusty laptop, a notebook, or a favorite pen for writing.
  • Editing, finishing apps, and grammar-tuning apps.
  • And the internet, for research, writing apps, and online communities, are your writing allies.

Finally, you need to take control of discipline and creativity. Set writing goals to stay on track, but don’t strangle your creativity with a rigid schedule. It’s about finding your sweet spot. Maybe you’re a night owl who thrives on midnight musings or an early bird catching the dawn’s inspiration. Balance is critical—discipline to progress, creativity to soar.

So, find your writing sanctuary, gather your tools, and balance discipline and creativity.

Need To Learn More About Writing Tools? Must Read This Blog

Step 1- The Idea or concept

Writing always starts with an idea that is buring inside and wants the world to hear it.

Remember, it’s all about letting your imagination roam free. So, Brainstorm like a storm,  Choose a genre that resonates with your heart, and develop an angle that makes your story uniquely yours. Now let’s move forward with the writing process. Buckle up—let’s dive in:

Step 2 - The Writing Process

Set motivating goals, follow the writing process, and conquer obstacles like an explorer.

Step 3- Plotting Your Course through the Publishing Maze

Here comes the most difficult part of your writing journey: book publishing. The publishing ocean is divided into two sections: traditional publishing and self-publishing

Traditional publishing is like having a crew (literary agents, editors) navigate for you. 

Self-publishing is being the captain, steering your ship. Both have their own treasures; choose the publishing path that matches you the best.

Craft a compelling query letter—concise, engaging, and a teaser for your masterpiece. Send messages to potential agents or publishing agencies for your book. Understand submission guidelines, and be patient. It’s a waiting game, but even ships take time to reach port.

So, choose traditional route or set sail on your own, master the art of querying and soon your book will be navigating the shelves. Onward, successful authorship. Also remember to build a platform that’s your island in the vast literary ocean. 

Know that, publishing a book won’t make you successful author, it’s the mid of your success journey and there’s alot to do now for the recognition and to make people know about your book. So as soon as your book is out, you need to navigate properly through marketing. Let’s unleash how the magic of marketing works.

Step 4- Marketing Strategies for Success

Remember, marketing is your book’s red-carpet moment. Build that pre-launch buzz, create a social media fan club, and get influencers on board. Your book deserves the spotlight, so let’s make it shine.

Step 5- The Highs and Lows of The Journey

Let’s dive in to learn how you can clean sweep the high tides and dance in the valleys of your authorial adventure:

Facing Rejections and Staying Resilient

In the way of becoming an author, rejection is a plot twist we all encounter. It’s like a dragon you must face on your quest. Stay resilient, armor yourself with determination, and remember that J.K. Rowling faced rejection, too. Each rejection is a stepping stone, not a roadblock.

Recognizing Small Wins Along the Way

As you tread the winding path, don’t overlook the wildflowers. Celebrate every small win—finishing a chapter, getting positive feedback, or even conquering a writing challenge. 

These are the magical moments that keep the journey exciting. Your book is an epic saga composed of these tiny victories.

The Joy of Holding Your Published Book

Holding your published book is like finding the treasure chest at the journey’s end. The joy, the pride—it’s indescribable. Every challenge, every rewrite, and every doubt vanished in that moment. Your words are no longer just yours; they belong to the world.

So, fellow wordsmiths, as you face challenges, dance in the rain of small wins, and dream of holding your published book. The journey is tough, but the view from the summit is worth it.

The Final Chapter - Reflect, Encourage, and Embrace the Journey.

Hey, fellow storytellers, we’ve reached the last page of our guide on how to become an author. It’s time to wrap up: but wait and take a minute to reflect on the route you’ve traveled. Remember each step. Do you see those footprints? Every move tells a tale of a struggle overcome and a significant achievement. 

Reflect on the highs and the lows, the characters you met (real or imaginary), and the growth you’ve experienced. Your journey is a unique manuscript, and every chapter has shaped you into the author you are today.

Recall this for those who are still crafting their stories: every best-selling author started off as a debutante. Keep that pen going, embrace the blank page, and dance with your doubts. Rejects are not the story’s conclusion; instead, they are twists. People want to read your story because it matters. You’ve got this.

The book-writing journey doesn’t end with a published book; it’s a perpetual adventure. The industry evolves, genres shift, and new tales beg to be written. Embrace the ever-changing landscape of the writing career. Stay curious, be open to growth, and let your creativity flow like a never-ending river.